

The fillmydb library aims to help you with quickly populating your database with nice-looking data with as few lines of code as possible. Basically, all you have to do is to wrap your models in a fillmydb.ModelWrapper, assign to each field an instance of fillmydb.FieldSpec in order to determine how each filed should look like and then generate instances. The foreign keys are handled automatically.

The supported model types so far are:


At this moment, circular dependencies are not treated and may break the generation algorithm.

The generation algorithm simplified is the following:

initially orderes the queue
marks all models as unresovled
while queue not empty:
    picks the next model with no unresolved dependencies
    for each instance:
        resolves each field in the model:
            if foreign key, picks a random instance of the referenced model
            otherwise, resolves as usual
        saves to database
    marks model as processed

In the next section will be described how to use the module


  • fake-factory - generates good-looking test data
  • peewee - a nice ORM for SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL and others.
  • django - a full-stack web framework.